A cloud based software that integrates more than 20 tools for managing the ergonomics of the workstations in your company.
Evaluate all ergonomic risk factors of the workstations in your company: inadequate postures, repetitive movements, load handling, thermal environment...
Generate fully customizable reports in Microsoft Word or Adobe Pdf format.
In a multiuser environment so that your company can have access to your data everywhere.
You only need a free account on Ergoniza
ERGONIZA helps you manage the ergonomics of the workstations of your companies. Evaluate all the risk factors present in the workstations, manage the evaluations, and obtain editable and customizable reports.
You only need to register as a user of ERGONIZA to start testing.
Sign UpUnlock the full potential of Ergoniza. By becoming a Pro User you'll have access to all of Ergoniza and be able to use all of the online software without restrictions or time limits. You'll be able to use the results of evaluation methods and tools in your professional activity. You'll be able to print the results reports in pdf or Word and save your studies in files to open them later.
To register as a Pro user, you must first login to Ergoniza.
(*) In European Union countries, the price will be increased with the corresponding VAT.
(**) The price in american dollars has been calculated at the current exchange rate and may vary.
. Ergonautas is the specialized website in occupational ergonomics and ergonomic assessment of workstations at the . Ergonautas aims to be a useful support tool for the Occupational Risk Prevention and Ergonomics professional and people in training, providing rigorous technical information on occupational ergonomics, online tools for its application, research, training, and participation forums.
is a web byErgonautas is formed by a large human team. In addition to technicians and programmers, the Ergonautas team is made up of researchers and professors from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. The team, led by José Antonio Diego Más, is at the forefront of research and teaching in ergonomics, teaching in official degrees and master's degrees, and developing research projects in the field of ergonomics and new technologies oriented towards humans.
If you need to know more, get in touch with Ergonautas
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© 2006 - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia